Good point Steve-38y.
Anyway maybe in 50 years moon travel will be the norm. That will put the debate to bed.
But whether we went to the moon or not, personally I would rather the money had been spent feeding and clothing the poor of the world, which would have been paid for many times over if we didn't waste so much money on exploring outer space, nuclear weapons and defence.
" Hello" WE were ONCE knocking on our neighbours door asking the "STUPID "question,
" Do you think maybe someday all nations will unite as one race, and the money is available to feed the poor."
The point I am trying to make is this- we all once knocked on strangers doors, thinking our stupid contrived questions clever. We even thought people stupid for believing in dinosaurs.
What does this have to do with OUR thread?
I think a great deal, as to how we should respect diffent viewpoints.
The Rebel.